Anywho, here's the bachelorette cake (and no, you don't have to hide the children for this one!)...

It was a yellow cake with chocolate frosting (a childhood favorite) then covered with fondant, fondant decorations, black cake sparkles around the top border, and a handwritten message for the bachelorette! I tried copying the print from the invitations/decorations...and I think it came out rather cute! And I know the bachelorette had a great last night out!!! Congrats girl!
As for the half birthday cake for my dear sister, Jennifer, I didn't take any pictures of it as it wasn't finished, but my sister said it tasted absolutely delicious! It was a chocolate cake with buttercream and raspberry filling and buttercream icing. I also made a high heel shoe from a mold and followed the directions by Jennifer Dontz from here. It came out cute, but I never did finish painting it red, so I didn't get a picture of that either. Next time I will! And then I also made calla lilies but, you guessed it, I didn't get pics of them either, but mostly because I wasn't thrilled with how they looked (reminder: don't make flowers without my Nic Lodge instruction book...ever!!!)
So there you have it, my very disappointing cake weekend, plus or minus a few mental breakdowns. But I'm better now and we'll have to see how the next cake goes!
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